It may sound old-fashioned and laughable these days when techniques like UML are so unsexy, but I can still remember the days back at IBM T.J. Watson in the early 2000's when we were working on a prototype of a new VoiceXML browser to inform IBM's standardization efforts in the space. (The language was supposed to be VoiceXML 3.0, and we abbreviated the research project to "V-3" - pronounced "fau drai" in reference to the German V-2 rocket .) We took VoiceXML 2.0 as a foundation but added full DOM and DOM Events support together with XForms as the data model representation. It was shortly after IBM's acquisition of Rational Software , so we took advantage of that deal and got our hands dirty with Rational Rose . While one of our colleagues kept pushing us to start coding and iterate towards the result in the agile fashion, given the incomplete specs and many open questions stemming from the combination of so many complex technologies in one piece...